This picture shows a Pushpin Magnet holding up an all steel hammer. Can your refrigerator magnet do that?
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Office Magnets for Everyday Use
Pushpin office magnets are incredibly strong, yet very small so they won't cover up your stuff. Use on file cabinets and metal storage bins, even if they are covered with fabric. Forget post-its, nearly anything you would hang with a push pin can now be hung on a metal surface. Choose your favorite color or use clear to blend into any decor.
For many people and businesses, desktop and office area is very hard to secure but with thee extremely powerful neodymium magnets changes all of that. �Magnets used in everyday office use will not only save you time and covert your walls or whiteboards or any metallic item can now be your personal assistant.
Have you read enough? Want to purchase some pushpin magnets now please click here or maybe you are not 100% sure if this is what you would like then you are the perfect candidate
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Office Magnets & Information
Pushpin office and refrigerator magnets are incredibly strong, yet very small so they won't cover up your stuff. Use on refrigerators, office cubicles, magnetic white boards, magnetic walls, or with magnetic paint. Nearly anything you would hang with a push pin can now be hung on a metal surface. All of this holding power is offered in a magnet the size of an ordinary office pushpin.
The rare earth magnets we use are made from Neodymium, making them among the strongest permanent magnets available. Most refrigerator magnets use simple magnetized metal because it is far cheaper than the manufactured ceramic Neodymium. While some others use a single plating process our Neodymium is triple coated with nickle, copper, and nickle again. This makes the normally brittle Neodymium ceramic material incredibly durable. We also specify the stronger N42 raw magnets over N32, N35, N38 or N40 to give you maximum holding power.
Office Magnet Specifications
10mm (3/8in) diameter by 15mm tall
N42 Neodymium strength rating is among the highest available
Magnet portion is not tiny and thin, but a full 3mm thick for maximum holding power
The normally brittle and easily corroded Neodymium is coated with nickel, copper and nickel again to provide a durable magnetic surface that will last for years
Nearly unbreakable ABS plastic pushpin heads are permanently welded to the magnet with a high tech adhesive
Office Magnets - What do you use them for? If you would like a chance to win an assortment of free magnets and magnetic accessories please contact us, if you have not yet bought your pushpin magnets the clock is counting down so purchase your magnets today and start submitting your images.
Now that you have read through some of the basic information regarding these ultra strong neodymium magnets using the strongest N42 rare earth magnets to ensure their holding power never suffers no matter how often it is used for in what temperatures.